Sweet Graves "Morminte Dulci"

by Laura Dachman
(Satu Mare City, Romania)

Make this sweet chocolate graveyard dessert with R.I.P. tombstones. ...


Biscuits (tombstone):

100 grams butter
100 grams brown sugar
1 egg
50 ml coffee liqueur
1 teaspoon walnut essence
200 grams flour
50 grams cocoa powder
¼ teaspoon baking soda

For cake (grave):

200 grams butter
100 grams milk chocolate
200 grams brown sugar
3 eggs
180 grans flour
50 grams cocoa powder
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon baking powder
Pinch of salt

For decoration:

Nutella chocolate spread
colored candies


Preheat oven to 190 C degrees (375 F).

For biscuits, mix flour, cocoa and baking soda.In a bowl beat butter with sugar and then egg. Incorporate liqueur and walnut essence followed by dry ingredients and mix until smooth. Shape in the form of tombstone biscuits and place them on a baking tray. Bake for 9-10 minutes. Allow biscuits to cool completely.

For cake, reduce oven heat to 180 ˚ C degrees (350 F). Melt butter in a bain-marie with chocolate and sugar and then let them cool slightly. In a bowl mix the flour with cocoa, cinnamon and baking powder. Beat eggs with a pinch of salt and then incorporate with ingredients. When mixed fully to the right consistency, place in a cake pan. Bake for 20 minutes until a toothpick in center comes out clean. Allow to cool completely.

Note: This recipe was originally submitted in Romanian (please see below).


Pentru biscuite (piatra funerara)
100 gr unt
gr zahar brun
1 ou
50 ml lichior de cafea
1 lingurita esenta de nuci
200 gr faina
50 gr cacao pudra
¼ lingurita bicarbonat de sodiu

Pentru chec (mormant)
200 gr unt
100 gr ciocolata cu lapte
200 gr zahar brun
3 oua
180 gr faina
50 gr cacao pudra
1 lingurita scortisoara macinata
1 lingurita praf de copt
un praf de sare

Pentru décor
bomboane colorate

Incinge cuptorul la 190˚C.
Pentru biscuiti, amesteca faina cu cacaoa si bicarbonatul de sodiu.Intr-un vas bate untul cu zaharul brun.Incorporeaza apoi oul urmat de esenta de nuci.Inglobeaza ingredientele uscate si amesteca pana la omogenizare. Formeaza biscuiti sub forma de piatra funerara si aseaza-i pe o tava de copt.Da biscuitii la copt 9-10 minute.Lasa biscuitii sa se raceasca complet.
Pentru chec, redu caldura cuptorului la 180˚C. Topeste la bain-marie untul cu ciocolata si zaharul apoi lasa-le sa se raceasca usor. Intr-un vas amesteca faina cu cacaoa, scortisoara si praful de copt. Bate ouale cu un praf de sare apoi incorporeaza compozitia cu unt.Inglobeaza in final ingredientele uscate.Toarna compozitia obtinuta intr-o tava dreptunghiulara.Da checul la copt 20 minute pana cand la introducerea unei scobitori in centru, aceasta va iesi curata.Lasa checul sa se raceasca complet.
Pentru asamblare, taie din chec dreptunghiuri de o marime incat sa se potriveasca cu piatra funerara.Unge fiecare mormant cu Nutella apoi lipeste la margine piatra funerara.Decoreaza mormintele cu bomboane (dupa dorinta) apoi presara-le cu firmituri de chec (daca ti-a mai ramas).

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