Dry Delicious Hamster Mix

by Zoey, age 11

My hamster is so picky so I decided to make my own recipe. First I started by picking the things he likes and then combining them.


dry oats
saltine crackers


Smash together 1 saltine cracker and 5-10 peanuts. Smash with something heavy like your feet, a book, or a hammer.

Smash until well mixed, then stir in a handful of dry oats and a very small amount of rice.

You can also add sunflower seeds,flax seeds or pumpkin seeds.

Make sure your hamster gets fresh vegetables at least once a week additional to this dry food.

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Aug 18, 2011
Good for a treat... not for the "main course".
by: Anonymous

This is NOT a nutritionally complete diet. Plus, it can do a lot of damage to a hamster's digestive tract if he or she eats too much dry rice then drinks water afterwards. She or he might be picky, but with this diet there's no chance he or she would ever get all the vitamins, nutrients, and minerals necessary.

Jul 19, 2011
by: Anonymous

my hamster loves these things i'm heading off to make it right now! :)

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