Delicious Chocolate and Peanut Butter Popcorn

by Megan
(WI, U.S.A)

This recipe is easy to make.

You will need:

a full bag of popcorn
Chocolate (or candy bar)
Peanut butter
M and Ms

Pop the popcorn until popped, just like you would when you would have popcorn. Put the popcorn in a big bowl.

Take out two separate bowls that can go in the microwave.

Put about 2 scoops of peanut butter in a bowl and a whole candy bar or 10 to 12 pieces of some chocolate from a container in the other bowl.

Melt them in the microwave for about 30 seconds or until melted. Take out and pour over the popcorn.

Mix until it is mostly over all of the popcorn.

Pour a half bag of M and Ms over the popcorn and mix again.


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