Goin' Bananas Hamster Treat

by Anonymous
(Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)

Your hamster will love this hamster treat.

What you need:

Fork (to mash the banana with)
Some hamster food

1. Mash the banana with the fork. Do not make it too liquidy (a little dry is good).

2. Roll it in balls. It should be about the grip size of your hamster.

3. Put a hamster food with the ball and roll the ball until the banana is covering the treat (optional).

4. Refrigerate it for an hour or two.

5. Feed it to your hamster. He or she will like it!

Comments for Goin' Bananas Hamster Treat

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Sep 23, 2010
by: sonny the hamster

My hamster loved it "it was good" said sonny the hamster!

Jun 16, 2010
Sounds good!
by: Anonymous

Hi, I do not have a hamster, but my friend has one. This sounds like a good, healthy snack. If I had a hamster, I would give him/her that treat! Keep up the great work!

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