Easy Risotto

by Ashley

This recipe serves about 2 people depending on the portion you serve. Kids love this quick and easy recipe. I love it and I'm a kid as well.

Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 12-15 minutes

3 cups rice
400 mls (1 3/4 cups) water
1 chicken stock cube
soy sauce
ham/chicken slices
extra spices if wanted

Pour water into a pan and bring to boil. While water boils add stock cube and stir.

When the water starts bubbling turn to low heat and add 3 cups of rice.

Stir every so often, and add soy sauce and spices.

The rice takes 10-12 minutes to cook (sometimes a bit longer). Cook till the sauce is drained into the rice.

When cooked add ham/chicken and sweetcorn, put into a dish and eat.

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