September 22, 2009
Issue #021


Halloween Recipe Contest is on!

Do you have a spine-chilling Halloween recipe or a fun treat that you'd like to share? Share your idea and a picture and you could win an awesome prize.

The 2009 Easy Kids Recipes Halloween Recipe and Photo Competition is here!

The contest is now open and entries close at midnight EST on November 7, 2009. Winners will be announced on November 10, 2009.

First Prize: 10 Piece Stainless Steel Cookware Set by American Kitchen (valued at $199.99)

Second Prize: Holiday Cookbook and Apron

Third Prize: Holiday Cookbook and Apron

Recipe contest categories are:

Halloween Appetizers
Halloween Sweets and Treats
Halloween Punch/Drinks
Halloween Cakes and Cup Cakes
Halloween Cookies and Bars
Halloween Main Meals
Halloween Miscellaneous
Gross Halloween Recipes

Whether you're a kid or an adult, you're welcome to submit a recipe for a chance to win. Be creative and share your own original idea. Include a picture of your recipe so other visitors can see how it turns out.

For more information about the competition rules and prizes, click here now.


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Good Luck and Happy Kid Cooking!

Clarissa the Mom Chef
Easy Kids Recipes