July 3, 2009
Issue #019


Summer is sizzling and it's a great time for grilling. Here's an easy grill recipe for kids...

Stop Light Kabob

1 pound lean beef, cubed
2 tablespoons olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
Green vegetable (green pepper, zuchini, etc.)
Yellow vegetable (squash, yellow pepper, etc.)
Red vegetable/fruit(cherry tomato, red pepper, etc.)

Chop meat and vegetables into 1 inch cubes. Brush with olive oil, salt and pepper. Place on a wooden skewer in order to make a stop light. Cut off sharp ends. Grill for 8 minutes, turning every 2 minutes.

***CLICK HERE for some kid-pleasing Fourth of July recipes...

If you have any great summer recipes or recipes for the grill, please share your recipes.


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Happy Fourth of July and Happy Kid Cooking!

Clarissa the Mom Chef
Easy Kids Recipes